How to make a better choice of spectrometers
As spectrometers gain quick development, there are disparate types for market choice. Many users even turn to second-hand ones to drive down cost. In fact, different needs and industries need different models.
The first thing you need to know is optical emission devices, including OES (Optica Emission Spectrometer) and ICP (Inductively Coupled Plasma). They differ in the way of excitation with the latter exciting samples into plasma through heat generated by electromagnetic induction.
The OES usually excites samples into vapor by applying spark,arc or glow charge. The ICP is lower in LOD and higher in precision than the OES, but has higher requirement on sample feeding system. Molten sample is an option for ICP in the absence of qualified sample feeding system. An advanced ICP is operable on solid samples.
The OES can also be called Direct Reading Spectrometer(DRS), a name used to set apart from spectrograph and early optical emission devices of 1970s in that converted electric signals at that time must be processed by nixie tubes before turning into curves with relevant elemental concentration. But now with the application of computer, results can be directly displayed on the screen. That is where the name “Direct Reading” come from.
OES can be applied in forging, steel, metal recycling, and metallurgy. It also can be seen in military, aerospace and chemical industries as well as institutions of higher education. Stationed in a thermostatic space, OES is designed to reach high analytical precision. Now the latest one with dual optical chambers is able to pick the optimal resonance line. With 36 channels available, it can measure multiple matrices including Fe, Ni, Cu, Al, Ti, etc.
PMT enables its sensor with dynamic parameter to identify subtle resolution. Its second slit on curved plane can fend off adjacent spectral lines which is critical to analysis of element with high content.
As a precision machine, spectrometer is pricy, adding to purchase hesitancy. DFAIC is committed to producing top spectrometers with affordable price and competitive quality. Your hesitancy may find an answer here.
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